
September 18, 2023

I'm BACK at the Keyboard!!!

 Life has a way of changing doesn't it? My reasons for starting the blog were pretty specific all those years ago - Learn to blog for clients, spread the word on free/cheap activities to families in the area and maybe find some client work!  I did get several work opportunities as a result and many great experiences for the family. 

As my family grew however, those free and inexpensive things became different, more targeted  experiences - Soccer, scouting, school activities and so many more. I'm passionate about volunteering, so if the kids wanted to participate, and there was not an adult lead, I stepped in and figured it out for them. That meant I was one of the Lego Robotics coaches, helped with Girls on the Run, helped run a Girl Scout troop, Cub Scouts AND Boy Scouts, ran several Science Olympiad events and coached several soccer teams. All this while still being a mom and working. 

I continued working part time - Anywhere from 20-32 hours a week. Scouting quickly filled my schedule though - beyond just working with my kids. My husband liked to say that like in Oklahoma, I epitomized the "I'm Just a Girl That Can't Say No!"  I said I was passionate about volunteering! I ended up helping youth in my own units, youth around the district and greater council and even facilitated adult training for scouts. Scouting has a saying that volunteering is only "one hour a week" but the reality was, with my part time job and scouting I was "working" closer to 50-60 hours each week. So working full time was not in the cards! I loved helping others and did not find as much time to blog.

Fast forward to 2022. My oldest graduated and my youngest was a high school junior. If you have followed the blog all those years ago, you are likely close to being in the same boat. Life changes and kids grow up.

My daughter knew that I was a bit unhappy. Mostly doubting the direction in life that I should take. What to do next? Who I was (or am). And even thoughts about becoming an empty nester. (Ideally that would happen, but that's not the case either - But that's for another blog!) Then one day she said, "Mom why don't you go back to blogging on your Ann Arbor Mom blog? You already have an audience and platform built in!"

I went back and forth on that - For a YEAR! I wanted "permission" from my kids to make that happen. My daughter was a solid yes, my husband is in the "whatever makes you happy" side, but my son was another matter. He was not a fan of my blogging. Specifically about him. The fact is, their names are already in the public from blogging all those years ago. Their photos are too. I will respect my sons privacy, but know that I have a need to tell my stories. I suppose that's where you all come in.

The blog platform I started all those years ago, the one you are reading now, will be that platform. If you no longer want to read, please feel free to leave, the blog will share my life experiences. I'm a story teller. I embellish. Some stories will be embellished and some will be straight forward. Maybe they will be experiences you struggle with, maybe they will be entertaining, maybe it will be something only my family will cherish after I am gone. (No plans to leave soon mind you!) But the stories shared here will NOT be what the blog started as. I figure the blog is growing up, just as I and my kids have.

I am blessed to be back at the keyboard and look forward to sharing!