
July 10, 2009

$25 A Day - Family "Island" Fun

I don't know what inspired me to create this piece for the blog, but I got to thinking about it after watching one of Rachel Ray's shows - $40 A Day... What kind of things can Ann Arbor families DO for under $25 for the day?

I realize that some of the things I will talk about in months to come will be obvious areas of interest, but for new families they may be new ideas. They may also spur other great ideas from you. So please if you have a GREAT under $25 a day activity, please pass along the idea...

IDEA #1 - Picnic and Play along the Huron River

I know most of you are thinking DUH! But I am not thinking about a picnic in any of the obvious parks like Gallup Park - Instead discover Island Park! I discovered it last year after being invited to a picnic at one of the picnic shelter areas there. The kids really loved the park and we went back several times throughout the summer. Families with small children won't fear their children falling into the river and being whisked away...

What I liked:

The park has the general natural spaces and plenty of trees for shade. In addition the "Island" is situated between a deeper part of the Huron River (still wade-able) and a very shallow 4-8" deep part of the river. The kids played for HOURS in that part of the river!!!


Food - Picnic goodies of choice
Parking - free
Location - Across from Fuller Park near the U of M hospital

What else to bring:

Shelter (if you prefer - Sometimes bring our Easy-Up tent)
Sunscreen/Bugspray (as needed)
A Beach ball (to race down the river)
Outdoor toys

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