
July 29, 2009

It's hump day - What is there to do?

MayrendHoolaHooping.jpg There's something to be said about the simple joys of childhood - Relay races are one of those memories that can not be forgotten. Remember that one road rally where you ended up in the local cemetery, the three-legged-race where you carried your partner across the finish line or the wheel barrel race where you smashed your partners face into the dirt???

Today children in grades 4-8 can participate in the Ann Arbor Library Ridiculous Relay.

Can you hula-hoop? Do you rock at DDR? Kids race from station to station as fast as they can to see who wins. Prizes will be awarded.

Location: AADL Downtown Library/Multi-Purpose Room
Time: 2:00-3:00 PM
Cost: free

The weather man is calling for rain - Hang out at the library for a fun afternoon adventure. Maybe even win a prize for your efforts!

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