
November 16, 2009

Local Seminar: How to Encourage Gratitude in Our Children

I have been thinking a lot about teaching my children to be more gracious in their lives, and as they are 3 and 5 it's the perfect age. That's why an announcement of this seminar came at the perfect timing; I thought my readers might be interested.

Thanks Alot - How to Encourage Gratitude in Our Children
Thursday, November 19, 6:30-8:30pm
Pattengill Media Center, Ann Arbor

How big of a deal is gratitude? Gratitude is a critical component in raising children who will have a balanced perspective, handle disappointment, be less likely to have a depression or an entitlement complex, be more able to have meaningful relationships, have more respect for themselves and others, grow up to be more responsible adults, and be more likely to actually be happy! This workshop delves into this vital parenting topic and offers insight, stories and ideas on how to help your child become and stay grateful throughout their lives. That's a pretty big deal!

This class is for adults only, please do not bring children.

Annie Zirkel, Parenting Consultant & Author. 1 class. $25* for Ann Arbor residents/ $30* non-residents. The cost of the class also includes a copy of the $11.95 book:
You'll Thank Me Later: A Guide To Nurturing Gratitude In Our Children (And Why That Matters)

To register call (734) 994-2300 ext. 0 M-F 8am-5pm, e-mail the program at or click here to visit the Seminar's page on the Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation Registration page.

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