
January 4, 2010

Donate Your Time - It'll Make All The Difference to Someone

In the spirit of "giving" and "doing" with your family I'd like to highlight something that I am doing with my children - Especially my oldest. Sometime in October I signed us up for Disney's "Give a Day. Get a Disney Day." For those of you that may not have hear of this program, Disney is trying to inspire one million people to volunteer a day of service to a participating organizations within their communities. Once individuals (age 6 and older) complete their day of service, Disney will give each volunteer a free 1-day, 1-theme park ticket to the Disneyland® Resort or Walt Disney World® Resort to be used before December 15, 2010.

I don't know if we will have the opportunity or money to actually complete the trip, but I am sure going to try. I already have been trying to encourage my children to be more gracious and giving, so why not take this opportunity as well.

My son and I have already volunteered for an organization (Project Linus) that I thought he may be able to identify with, and look forward to giving our time in making a few blankets. Actually through the Disney site I actually a second organization (Charity Music) that I will be helping out as well - I won't be getting an additional ticket, however that really doesn't matter. It all comes back to giving back to the community where and when we can.

So take the time to make someone elses dream come true and volunteer locally - The mouse could use a leg up, and besindes, I'm betting that your family will forever remember the experience of making the difference together!

NOTE: What I found really great is that if you can not use your day at a Disney Park, you may donate THAT as well!

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