
April 1, 2010

This Weekend: Create an Egg Masterpiece at Tree Town Toys

Here's the Saturday morning scenario - And it's not a "yolk-ing matter" (Sorry for the April Fools Pun):

Your eggs are decorated, the Easter baskets are filled and you are ready for Easter Sunday brunch. The kids are getting antsy though, and want to DO something however you don't want your children's craft projects to make a mess in YOUR house. So what's a mom to do??? Why they load their children into the car and decorate Easter Eggs with Tree Town Toys!

On Saturday April 3, from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. kids ages 4 and up can join Amber at Tree Town Toys (2611 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor) for a fun Easter "masterpiece" for just $3. To sign up for the project call 734.929.6545 or visit the Tree Town Toys website.

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