
May 17, 2010

Tonight: Parents Learn About The Benefits of Reading To Your Child

I am realizing more and more that my son is struggling some with his language development skills this year, specifically reading. He just has little to no interest in reading. As both my husband and I are avid readers, this has been a challenge we are facing together. We know that reading to our children as they grow can provide a lifetime of benefits - Everything from having good solid readers, to happy readers, to readers that do well in school! There is help for other parents facing the same or similar situations though.

Tonight at Bryant Community Center (3 West Eden Court, Ann Arbor 48108) from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. parents can participate in a FREE Parent University with Dr. Patricia A. Edwards, Professor of Language & Literacy at Michigan State University. Dr. Edwards will discuss the benefits of reading to your child while highlighting the successes of parents who have developed a summer reading program with their children.The program will feature an open dialog between Dr. Edwards and parents with questions.

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