
June 20, 2010

Fun Golf Ball Projects for a Happy Father's Day!

I was looking for something fun for the kids to do for my husband this past week. The project had to incorporate cheap golf balls and had to be easy enough for the kids to do on their own. When I was a kid in Brownies, I remember making my dad a golf ball dog...

No that would require my assistance.  We made a golf ball snowman Christmas ornament sometime in my childhood too...

But again that either required drilling holes or a lot of glue and dexterity...  Family Fun Magazine had a cute golf ball mobile...

But as timely as it was, it was only "golf ball themed" project and not made from reall balls - Although my mom once cut balls in half for a project, it would still require my assistance!

And then it hit me - I had many colorful Sharpie Markers, two boxes of gently used golf balls (the only type my husband will actually USE) and rubber gloves.  So why not allow the kids to create custom designed golf balls?  It wouldn't effect the way the balls performed, it would require very little of my assistance to create and better yet...

It took the kids more than two hours to create. I was able to get a few things done, they could create their own masterpieces and I only had to oversee and give suggestions for the designs! 

We very rarely get a real thumbs up from our custom created projects - Oh who am I kidding, it's like pulling teeth to generate excitement from my husband OR father - however my husband, father and father-in-law LOVED the idea of these custom designed golf balls! Actually I think they're afraid to use and loose their new balls now...

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