
July 6, 2010

Babysitter Training in Ann Arbor

If your teen is hoping to make some extra cash babysitting this summer, there is nothing better than attending a Red Cross training class. It's the "gold seal standard" for parents hoping to hire a young individuals for babysitting services too!

This Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. the Washtenaw County Red Cross Chapter (4624 Packard Road, Ann Arbor) will be offering a chance for your teen to become more confident in the face of an emergency while babysitting.

If your teen can not attend this Saturday's session, other dates include July 14, 24, and 28. For more information and to register (cost $50) contact the Washtenaw County Red Cross Chapter at 734-971-5300.


  1. Thanks for the info.
    I am wanting to become a babysitter, but do they have anything sooner?

  2. This was actually from the summer of 2010 however I can tell you that there are several upcoming courses. St. Joe's has one July 16 and the American Red Cross has training almost monthly!

    I'm about to create a new post with dates for you!
