
March 4, 2011

How Do You Help Your Child Get A Positive Outlook?

My son has had a rough start in his first grade year. As parents we often wonder "It's first-grade what's to worry about?" However he's struggling with reading, making it less enjoyable for him. Everyone is pushing him all the time to read. We've hired a tutor for one on one time, found out he needed reading glasses and more, but the reading is just coming hard for him. I often find him saying "I want to be back in Kindergarten" and "I hate school." So what is a parent to do?

I have forbidden him from saying he hates school, and instead have encouraged him to express his feelings otherwise. We've even begun a mother-son journal so that he can write his frustrations, feelings or whatever he wants.

Now I'm considering the power of beginning each day with positive affirmations. Kind of like this child.

How do you support a healthy self-esteem for your child? Are there ways that you begin each day that help? As parents, what have you done to help your child get over a rough bump?

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