
April 27, 2011

Gowns Dressy Enough for the Royal Wedding

I'll admit, when Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married I was all in a tizzy with my mom watching the events, and wedding un-fold - it was a BIG deal for at least one 10-year-old who was one of over 750 million viewers of the wedding. The current Royal Wedding of William & Kate however doesn't seem as exciting to me. I haven't said much to the children and haven't gotten into much of the televised hype.

We will likely watch it on April 29, however the significance in my life seems to be at a much lesser value. That being said, I DID find this cute Princess Kate paper doll with full wardrobe of Disney Princess dresses. It's online. It might be nice for my 5-year-old daughter and most of all the download is FREE! I'm just wondering how much of my time will be spent cutting out Princess Kate and her good size wardrobe... 

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