
August 8, 2011

Ann Arbor Mom Nominated for Detroit's Most Valuable Blogger

A friend of mine recently nominated me for Detroit's Most Valuable Blogger 2011. It certainly would be a nice feather in the cap to get an award for something I gladly do, however if you feel so inclined, additional nominations would be nice too!

Why I blog:

Some of you may know my reasons for blogging however many of you likely do not. I started blogging several years back for several reasons though:

1) To better understand social media, specifically blogging.
2) To walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk for perspective clients.
3) To express myself through some kind of writing.
4) And to mostly relay information collected about low-cost and free events for families that happens around town.

You see at the time my husband was out of work so we were looking for free events or those that would cost us very little. Finding these experiences was a perfect way of exploring the area with our two young children too.

When friends began asking me though, "Where did you find that information?" or "How did you hear about that?" I thought that creating blog would be a perfect fit, so I created

I have certainly had some of my efforts pay off; I have found new clients as a result of blogging, been a dedicated contributor for when they had the parenting section, and have even gotten to review a few products and services that my family has enjoyed. Mostly though I have gotten to meet an amazing network of individuals making new friends a long the way!

So if you think that the Ann Arbor Mom blog provides your family with great information, please feel free to nominate it for Detroit's Most Valuable Blogger 2011.

Please consider passing the information along too - And THANKS in advance.

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