
January 17, 2012

Nature Stories and a Hike for The Family

Here is a great "get-outdoors" activity for this weekend!

On Saturday, January 21, 10:30 a.m. - Noon, kids 4 and older can enjoy Nature Stories and a hike at the County Farm Park (2230 Platt Rd., Ann Arbor). Kids will enjoy stories about nature then head outdoors to explore the winter world. After the hike, everyone will come inside for a hot drink.

Be sure to pre-register 971-6337, x334 and dress for the weather! The free event will begin in the Field Operations Bldg. (bldg. closest to the playground!) at the Platt Rd. entrance.

Later that same afternoon at 3:30 p.m., the rest of the family can also hike and enjoy the park during a January Field Exploration. Head out to explore the open habitats of County Farm Park to see what we can find; we’ll look for winter birds and mammals, look for animal tracks, do some winter wildflower identification, look for berries and interesting seeds and more!

Dress for being warm while we are outside. Hot drinks inside after the hike!

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