
June 18, 2012

Epic Race Events for Kids Age 7-15

I'm not sure what it is lately, but my son has decided he wants to "race". He and I even registered for the Ann Arbor Color Run despite my not having raced in 25 years! I secretly think he only wants the prize medals, but I won't deter him from health habits either and will train with him.

Is your child interested in racing? Perhaps you want to instill some healthy habits? Maybe you just want to kids to be outdoors? If so, then you might consider checking into a couple Epic Race events happening this summer. The events, for kids ages 7-15 include swimming events, running events, biking events and even events that combine several of these activities! All of the events help the kids learn to lead active, healthful lifestyles.

June 23: Tri Kids Tri - Kids length triathlon - The event should probably be "TRY"athalon since the event focus is on participation and not competition. Fun, safety, and spirit will be the priority during this multisport event. It does take into account age appropriate distances as well!  at the Waterloo Recreation Area (17030 Bush Rd., Chelsea) in Chelsea.

July 1: Firecracker Splash and Dash - Kids length aquathlon at the Fuller Pool in Ann Arbor. This fast paced event combines running and swimming.

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