
April 3, 2014

April Hikes for the Family

Now that the weather is beginning to break, it is important for me to get my kids outdoors? What about you? Would you like to get outside and learn something too? Then perhaps a naturalist led hike is the way to go. Luckily in April there are several opportunities to make that happen!

On Sunday, April 6, Hike to the Highest Hill at Sharon Short Hills Preserve (Hashley Rd, Manchester, MI 48158) from - 2:00-4:00 p.m. Come for a tromp in early spring fields and woods with a guided hike with Faye Stoner. The ultimate destination for this hike is the top of the highest hill on the property, one of the highest hills in the area! Know that during this hike, some bushwhacking , so the hike will not be appropriate for younger children.

Then on Sunday, April 13, 2:00-4:00 p.m. enjoy an “Along the River” Botany Hike at the Ervin-Stucki Preserve (Burmeister Rd, Bridgewater Twp., MI 48158) On this hike families will look at the trees, shrubs, ferns, and early wildflowers found in this floodplain forest along the River Raisin. Wear appropriate clothing and boots though in case of muddy terrain!

Finally on April 27, 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the West Lake Preserve, Dexter Twp. families can look at many plant species, look for spring butterflies, and listen for frog songs during the Spring Things in the Oak/Hickory Wood.

All of these hikes are led by Faye Stoner. For more information, visit, call 971-6337 or email Faye at

 photo credit: shonk via photopin cc

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