
May 26, 2016

Backyard Camping - The Great American Backyard Experience!!!

Aaaah, the smell of burnt (I mean toasted) marshmallows over a campfire, fireflies dancing across the clear-blue sky, children gazing towards the stars hoping to catch a glimpse of an elusive falling star, and the neighbor from the house next door yelling to her children, "come inside it's time for bed..." Can that be right? Why yes it is! This weekend is the National Wildlife Federations Great American Campout.

On June 25, 2016 communities throughout the US, including backyards and non-traditional "campgrounds" are "pitching" in on the fun - Vist the NWF website to register your backyard event of check out area happenings.

Locally in Ann Arbor, families can experience the Great American Backyard Campout at the Leslie Science & Nature Center where kids of all ages to enjoy nature-based programs, tent space, campfires, dinner and breakfast, and much more!  It's all happening, June 25 at 4:00 p.m. - June 26 at 10:00 a.m. at the center, and costs only $50 for the entire family! Advanced pre-registration is required in person, over the phone at the Leslie Science and Nature Center website.

Whether in your own backyard, or at a local event, inspire your children and get them outdoors with a family campout. You WON'T regret it!

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