
March 1, 2018

Ann Arbor Spring Break Camp Programs

With spring break rapidly approaching, area parents are beginning to plan for the big question: “What will I do with my child when they are out of school on break?” If you haven’t done so already, following is a list of spring break camp programs in and around Ann Arbor. I will add to the list as additional camp opportunities are brought to my attention!

Ann Arbor Art Center Spring Break Camp
Kids ages 5-12 get creative at the Ann Arbor Art Center. Before and after care is available. Cost $360+.

Leslie Science & Nature Center Spring Break Camp
Kids in grades K-5 can experience the great outdoors with a walk in the woods, frolic in the fields, or poke around local ponds, filling spring break with natural wonders - Other activities include outdoor games, survival skills and explorations on the wet and wild side. Register online, drop off or mail-in form at 1831 Traver Road (Ann Arbor, MI 48105) or call 734.997.1553. Cost: $250.

Peachy Fitness Spring Break Camp
Yoga and fitness camp for kids ages 5-14 runs daily 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.. Cost $175.

Summers-Knoll School Spring Break Camp
Kids in grades pre-k through 8th grade should plan to join in on a week of spring break adventures at Summers-Knoll School (2203 Platt, Ann Arbor, 48104). The program offers engaging and educational programs for children ages 4.9 years through 13 years. Campers are divided into age-appropriate groups for daily art, science, and outdoor activities. Pre and post camp care is also available for an additional fee. Register online and contact Rachel Goldberg ( or 734.971.7991734.971.7991 with questions. Cost $255.

WideWorld Sports Spring Break Camp
Experience an indoor soccer camp during spring break for half or full day. Before care starts as early as 7:30 a.m. with a late pick-up up until 6:00 p.m. Cost: $135/$195

If you have additional spring break camp information, please list it below in the comments of contact me at tmayrend (at) gmail dot com.


  1. your post is quite timely. I'm looking into a spring break for my son but I only work 3 days a week. There are very little options for part time employees (who don't want to pay for the full time rate).

  2. Hi Allison - Check out High Velocity Sports, they have drop in days which I thought was pretty cool. I may take advantage of them as well!
