
May 28, 2019

Michigan Free Fishing Weekend

The size of the fish is measured by a
kid's smile! Enjoy free fishing in
Michigan this weekend.
Every year the Michigan DNR sponsors free fishing weekends, with June 8-9, being one of them. Although kids can always fish for free, if you are a non-fishing adult, this is a great time to check out the sport and introduce your kids to fishing. Besides you can get out in nature together! All fishing license fees will be waived for the weekend, however all fishing regulations will still apply. That's right it's FREE fishing!

 There are some ideal Washtenaw County fishing spots for families available. My kids especially like the ease of fishing off the docks at Rolling Hills. While there are very few "keepers" caught there, you can be assured that the kids will catch something - This alleviates the long wait times often associated with fishing. Of course this also spoils your children a bit, but seeing their faces when catching fish, well that's priceless!

Events on Free Fishing Weekend

Free Fishing programs are also happening through Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation at Rolling Hills park from 10:00 a.m. - noon on June 10 or at Independence Lake Park, on June 11 from 10:00 a.m. - noon.  Poles, bait and instruction are provided for this free event. available. Pre-registration is required at, (June 10: Section A:10-11/B:11-noon ; June 11 Section C: 10-11/ D: 11-noon). This event has a maximum of 15 people per session so be sure to register soon!

Hook Line & Sinker - Learn to fish with the DNR! Rods, bait and instructions will be provided at the Waterloo Recreation Area, Crooked Lake fishing pier in Chelsea at 10:00 a.m.

There were not many events listed at the time of publishing, but the State of Michigan has a partial list of Free Fishing Weekend events.

Want to learn to fish but can't get out this weekend? Then the Hook, Line and Sinker program with the DNR might be up your ally. Learn casting and fishing basics with a borrowed rod and reel if you don't have your own equipment. Hook, Line and Sinker programs begin in mid-June and continue throughout the summer. There is one Saturday, June 4, 10 a.m. At Crooked Lake Fishing Pier in Washtenaw County!

So make a date with the kids or start a new tradition while having some great fishing fun. It's time to enjoy that Michigan fishing!

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