
June 8, 2019

Arrows Away Program: Free Event

Many of you know that I am an avid fan of "free events." That's really why the blog started! I am also an avid scouter and enjoy taking the kids outdoors. We do have our own archery equipment but don't use it often enough, and that's one reason to share this fantastic FREE event.

The Arrows Away program is a free program at the Waterloo State Recreation area (and other state lands) that teaches the traditional outdoor skill of Archery through fun, safe instruction. All equipment and instruction is provided for kids ages 8 and up. I have attended several sessions with my children and have even taken scouting groups out there! To make the date even longer, we hiked some as well as explored the Eddy Discovery Center!

Dates for the program vary throughout the summer and all programs are at the Eddy Discovery Center. Be sure to check their weekly listing for this wonderful program!

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