Memorial Day is the long weekend we parents enjoy working in our yard’s, planting, opening our pools, or otherwise enjoying being outdoors.
Memorial Day does have a very specific history and should be remembered by the entire family! Check out all of the local memorial Day activities in and around Ann Arbor for next weekend:
Saturday May 23Ann Arbor: 11 am neighborhood parade for any child who wants decorate his or her bicycle, with the opening of the Forestbrooke Neighborhood pool to the general public. Line up at 2609 Yost St. (at Eli Drive) in Ann Arbor.
Ypsilanti: 2:00 pm,. The
Ypsilanti Symphony Orchestra featured in the Ypsilanti Pops Concert. This free outdoor concert features patriotic music to start the season. Local vendors will have food and beverages for sale - Bring your lawn chairs! Riverside Park, Ypsilanti. (Rain day May 24)
Saturday through MondayMilitary memorabilia display and open house, 10 AM to 5 PM, VFW Graf-O'Hara Post, 3230 S. Wagner Road, Lodi Township. Vintage military items from the Spanish-American War to those in current use, including uniforms, medals, web gear and weapons.
Sunday May 24Arborcrest Memorial Park Memorial Day ceremony, 2 - 3 PM, 2521 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor. Flag ceremony, color and honor guards, 21-gun salute, Boy Scout trumpeter, and notable speakers. Bring a lawn chair.
Monday May 25Belleville: Register from 11 AM - 1 PM for the Thunder Rolls in Belleville, a memorial motorcycle ride, at Wayne County Community College off Haggerty Road north of I-94 exit 192. Ride from 1 - 2 PM, followed by service at Belleville Veterans Memorial Park on High Street at about 2 PM Cost is $10 per driver.
Chelsea: 10 AM The American Legion parade begins behind the police station on Middle Street to Main Street Park Street on East Street back to Middle Street to the Oak Grove Cemetery for a ceremony.
Dexter: 10 AM parade on Main Street in downtown Dexter. At the end of the 60th annual parade sponsored by the Dexter American Legion, there will be a memorial service at the village park. The Dexter Legion Post #557 will hold an open house for all military veterans from noon to 4 PM, 8225 Dexter-Chelsea Road.
Plymouth: 7:30 AM, parade starts at Harvey and Wing streets and features the Plymouth-Canton High School marching band and veterans. They will proceed to the new Memorial Park on Main Street downtown.
Saline: 10 AM parade at the fire station on Harris Street at Michigan Avenue. Goes to Monroe Street, then to the Oakwood Cemetery for a 10:30 AM service. There will also an American Legion Memorial Wall rededication at 11:30 AM, followed by a lunch for veterans.
Ypsilanti:Pancake breakfast and Memorial Day service, 8 - 11 AM,
Yankee Air Force Museum, Willow Run Airport. Breakfast is $5 for adults, $3 for children. Includes the Ypsilanti Community Band, astronaut Jack Lousma and Tuskegee Airman, Lt. Col. Washington Ross, at 11 AM, with a flyover. An American Red Cross blood drive is planned until 7 PM.
The Memorial Day Parade begins at 9 AM at Huron Street/Michigan Avenue, to Cross Street, North River Street, and then Highland Cemetery for a ceremony. Includes veterans, Scouts, marching bands, Gold Star Mothers, a 21-gun salute and flyover.
Ypsilanti Township: 1 PM, Washtenaw County Vietnam Veterans Memorial at the Ypsilanti Township Civic Center, 7200 Huron River Drive. Includes reading of a letter from a veteran, recognizing a local family and laying of flowers at the memorial.